About the candidate

Jenna Thompson is a long-time rural Warren County resident, a capable professional, and a concerned citizen.

She is stepping up to deliver positive results across the county - corner to corner, community to community.

Photograph of a heart-shaped piece of wood set against blue skies with wispy clouds and field grasses.

Rural Roots

Jenna comes from a long line of farmers, cattle ranchers, and backyard gardeners. Proud to call Warren County home, she

enjoys living rural, helping family and neighbors with “occasional farmhand” chores, and looking after a cow herd on Scotch Ridge each summer.

  • Her family enjoys small-town festivals, hiking county parks, paddling, and supporting local agritourism.

    One of their favorite seasonal activities is using haybales and bale rings to create holiday decorations for the enjoyment of passersby.

Aerial photograph of fields, creeks, and an expanding city.

Professional Brief

With a background in strategic planning, business development, and land use / real estate development, Jenna is an experienced leader who faces financial realities head-on and

guides teams through complex issues, evaluating tradeoffs and finding solutions with respect for everyone involved.

  • She steps into challenging environments to help teams unite, focus their decision-making, take meaningful action, and work with clear accountability.

    She is a member of the Private Directors Association and holds continuing education certificates for specialties such as risk management, ESG, inclusive leadership, and integrated project management.

Photograph of a bike trail with golden leafed trees and leaves scattered across the ground.

Service Snapshot

Jenna’s family and early 4-H years sparked a sense of responsibility to step up and make a difference. Since then, her

roles have ranged from appointed and member-elected board roles to non-profit community outreach initiatives.

  • Service roles have been instrumental in honing her leadership skills, but what Jenna most enjoys about them is the chance to connect with others, broaden her perspective, and create a positive impact.

Jenna understands that overseeing organizations is not just about budget numbers - it’s about how those numbers impact people’s lives.

It’s time for leaders to step up and ensure that all of Warren County benefits from common sense government.

Supervisor work is challenging. The board has a wide range of responsibilities, works under changing conditions, and has to make decisions with incomplete information. That’s a reality.

To make a positive impact, our next board must commit to finding common ground. Each member must be capable of stepping into the shoes of our various community members - with an open mind and genuine concern - so that no viewpoint is disregarded and no part of our county is left behind.

With that mindset, we can find solutions. With that mindset, we can resolve pressing issues and implement a plan for the future.

That’s the mindset that Jenna brings to the table.

JT says:

“Balancing open-mindedness with healthy skepticism leads to better conversations, strategic solutions, and positive results. Chaos, self-interest, and naivety don’t.”